Share These Posters!

(Yep, you've found them - this is ALL posters from Part One of The Inspired Guide to Voting!)

Voting can seem scary and complicated. So we baked everything down into handy bite-sized posters. Easy to read, and super easy to share!

By the end of these posters, you'll feel freshly inspired about voting. Guaranteed!

Even better, you'll have new ideas and tools to inspire others to vote.

Please read, and enjoy!

(If you prefer to page through the posters one by one, click here to go to the first one.)


A poster titled INTRO
A poster titled Your Vote Your Voice
A poster titled 7 Wild Reasons to Vote
A poster titled Think your vote doesnt matter? You could decide an entire election
A poster titled Sometimes the littlest things can help someone vote
A poster of a quote by Joan Didion - I myself have always found that if I examine something, its less scary.

Your New Voting Superpowers!

A poster titled Your VOTE DAY does not have to be Election Day!
A poster titled Your Voting Superpowers are now ENGAGED
A poster titled Your new VOTING SUPERPOWERS
A poster titled Vote by Mail - vote where you want, when you want!
A poster titled Vote by Mail means you can vote anywhere anytime!
A poster titled Vote Early - go in and cast your vote when its handy for you
A poster titled Early Voting lets you skip the Election Day hassle
A poster titled Now is a good time to check your voter registration status
A poster titled Check your voter registration status - its easy!
A poster titled Get registered to vote ONLINE!
A poster titled Registering to vote has gotten so much easier
A poster titled Same Day Registration - Some states let you register and vote on the same day
A poster titled Register and Vote at the same time with Same Day Registration
A poster titled Take heart! Democracy has always been a struggle. Its worth it.
A poster titled What to do if workers at your polling place will not give you a ballot
A poster of a quote by Martin Luther King, Jr. - As you press on for justice, be sure to move with dignity and discipline, using only the weapon of love. Let no man pull you so low as to hate him. Always avoid violence.

Community + Connection = Votes

A poster titled Your game plan for a low stress, chilled out, maybe even enjoyable vote day
A poster titled Election Day should be a national holiday - meanwhile lets make our own!
A poster titled What if we each get one other person to vote?
A poster titled Ideas for reaching out to others to help them vote
A poster titled Important Voting Gotchas
A poster titled If you vote, youve already won!
A poster titled What can you say to someone who doesnt want to vote?
A poster titled If you have a friend who has trouble reading or writing English, they can bring you to the polling place to help them. Its a federal law.
A poster titled Not being able to read or write English or speaking another language is NOT a barrier to voting
A poster titled You have the right to vote even if you have a disability. You have the right to whatever accommodation you need to vote. Contact your state election office to see whats available for you.
A poster titled Dont let a disability keep you or anyone you know from voting
A poster titled Its illegal to block, suppress, intimidate, hassle ANYONE about their vote
A poster titled Who to contact if you see or suspect voter intimidation or suppression
A poster titled Reach Out - Discuss, Encourage - VOTE - Celebrate!
A poster titled This is your official invitation to run for office!
A poster of a quote by Barack Obama - Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

Changes We Can Make - Soon!

A poster titled An elected official should work for ALL of us not just his or her party
A poster titled Our votes for president are NOT equal We can fix that part 1 the problem
A poster titled Our votes for president are NOT equal We can fix that part 2 the solutions
A poster titled Our House of Representatives elections are often SKEWED We can fix that
A poster titled YES we can make these changes - Its OUR govt!
A poster titled State power - YEAH! Activate your state!
A poster titled Whats the rush? Elections dont need to be decided the same day
A poster titled postscript

Read on!

Click here for all Part Two stories!

Click here for all Part Three posters - How to Vote in YOUR State!

Click here to see ALL pages on the blog.