What can you say to someone who doesn’t want to vote?

A poster about What can you say to someone who doesnt want to vote (in color)
A poster about What can you say to someone who doesnt want to vote (in black and white)

Voting can be the difference in having a tax return or not. Having medical coverage or not. Having a job or not. Being able to go to school or not.

Do you want to be the one who decided to be quiet, when you had the opportunity to choose someone who could help your community? Don’t be that person - vote!

And if you vote with friends, it can be an experience you will always remember.

Think about all the people who can’t vote. Every inmate who can’t voice their opinion. Every ancestor who wished they could have. Speak for THEM. Vote for them. Because you still can.

Whatever happened in past elections… let it go. It is a new day, and a new ballot, and this democracy needs your vote.

Someone is going to be chosen to be a leader, some measures will be voted into action or not, and you have the opportunity to include your voice. You have a say in who or what gets chosen, but only if you vote.

Someone somewhere has made a difference… and this happens every day and throughout history. There have been elections with surprising results, results that let the underdog rise and make a difference. You could give a boost to a worthy candidate with your vote.

There are not that many options. Do some research, read the voter’s guide, and make the decision that feels right to you. No one ever has to know how you vote.