Think your vote doesn’t matter? You could decide an entire election!

A poster about Think your vote doesnt matter You could decide an entire election (in color)
A poster about Think your vote doesnt matter You could decide an entire election (in black and white)

In 2018,
a Virginia state election came down to a tie - two names were put in a bowl and one drawn, by hand, as the winner. The Republican and Democratic candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates both received the exact same number of votes (11,607). The Republican won the draw from the bowl.

In 2000,
Bush won the presidential election by only 537 votes. Almost 6 million people voted in Florida, but it was an extremely close split (2,912,790 to 2,912,253). Winning Florida tipped the Electoral College in his favor, and Bush won the presidency. So those last 537 Republicans in Florida who voted? – they turned out to be casting extremely crucial votes. You never know when YOUR vote will be extremely crucial.

In 1960,
Kennedy defeated incumbent Vice President Nixon by only 112,827 votes. Imagine if those 112,827 people all felt like their vote wouldn’t matter, and stayed home instead of voting. We would never have had one of the most popular presidents in this country’s history. Their votes counted. And so does yours.