Sometimes the littlest things can help someone vote

A poster about Sometimes the littlest things can help someone vote (in color)
A poster about Sometimes the littlest things can help someone vote (in black and white)

You probably don’t want to tell anyone what to do or pressure them, and that’s totally understandable. Neither do we. But sometimes someone isn’t voting for the saddest, smallest reasons. And they just need a little encouragement to not only help the country, but feel good about participating, too.

1. Maybe they’re not voting because “nobody asked me to.”

2. Maybe they’re not voting because “no one cares about my opinion.”

3. Maybe they’re not voting because “it doesn’t matter anyway.”

4. Maybe they’re not voting because “it’s too complicated.”

5. Maybe they’re not voting because “it’s cold out and I don’t have a ride.”

So What Can You Say to That?

1. Just ask them to vote! Studies have shown that simply asking people to vote raises voter turnout rates.

2. Let them know YOU care about their opinion being heard.

3. Let them know that EVERY vote matters. It matters to them, to the people around them, to their community. THEY matter.

4. Help them get registered, then go over the ballot with them.

5. Offer them a ride to the polls, or if your state offers “Vote by Mail,” help them get set up with that.

Because study after study has shown, the best way to get more people to vote is to let them know someone CARES if they vote. And the way to do that is as simple as opening a conversation.