Register and Vote at the same time with Same Day Registration!

A poster about Register and Vote at the same time with Same Day Registration (in color)
A poster about Register and Vote at the same time with Same Day Registration (in black and white)

If you live in one of the states below, you may be able to do Same Day Registration – this lets you register and cast your ballot, all on the same day!

ca / co / ct / dc / hi / id / il /
ia / me / md / mi / mt / nv / nh /
nc / ut / vt / wa / wi / wy

Each state handles Same Day Registration a little differently, so it’s crucial to get all the details from your state election office.

Timing varies from state to state: in some of these states you can Same Day Register only during the Early Voting period, others only on Election Day, others both.

What you need to bring with you varies from state to state: You will almost certainly need to bring proof of residency and valid ID, but acceptable forms of these vary from state to state.

So, be sure to check everything with your state election office.

If your state is not on this list, check to see if it’s been added since this poster was written.