Important Voting Gotchas

A poster about Important Voting Gotchas (in color)
A poster about Important Voting Gotchas (in black and white)

These laws may sound crazy, but they are true. Sorry!!


Do NOT return or mail other people’s ballots (unless you have checked the law in your state).
Many states have surprisingly strict laws about returning other people’s ballots. So, although it sounds like fun to mail or turn in a big stack of ballots after you throw a ballot party, it could be serious trouble. Each person should mail or turn in their own.


Do NOT take a selfie with your ballot or in/near a polling place (unless you have checked the law in your state).
You might think it’s a great idea to encourage people to vote by taking a pic inside the booth or with your ballot. And it is a great idea! But not in a state that makes it illegal.


These laws are complex and tend to change frequently.

So please, check with your state election office to find out what the deal is in your state. Don’t get busted!

(And if these laws sound regrettable to you... work to get them repealed in your state!)