Ideas for reaching out to others to help them vote

A poster about Ideas for reaching out to others to help them vote (in color)
A poster about Ideas for reaching out to others to help them vote (in black and white)

Here are a few ways to find vote community and connection!

BE A LEADER. Reach out. Tell your friends why you’re voting. Haven’t contacted a friend lately? - here’s a good reason.

Reaching out is how we get more people turning out. They do studies on what helps improve voter turnout - it’s all about whether someone cares whether you vote or not! So be that person who cares. (But we don’t have to care WHO anyone votes for – that’s private – it’s each person’s choice to reveal that, or not.)

Research together. Find knowledgeable people willing to serve as guides. Set a date to study the ballot together. Who else might want to join you?

Be prepared together. It’s the best way to stay calm cool collected.

Check in with everyone. What’s their plan to vote? Do they need a ride? Do they need a little encouragement? Is there an organization in the community that’s offering rides?

BE A HERO. Reach beyond even your family/friends. Help people get registered. Carry voter registration information with you! Ask, are you registered to vote? (Isn’t that more interesting than just saying how are you or making small talk?!) Let’s start some conversation!

Ask people to vote. People like to participate. Some people just need to be asked – they feel they’ve never been asked to vote. So ask them!

Help people vote. Look around for people in your community who may be challenged – just because it’s harder to see the ballot, or harder to make it out of the house to the polls, doesn’t mean their heart doesn’t still burn to cast a vote! You can read the ballot to them or take them to the polls.