Election Day should be a national holiday – meanwhile let’s make our own!

A poster about Election Day should be a national holiday meanwhile lets make our own (in color)
A poster about Election Day should be a national holiday meanwhile lets make our own (in black and white)

Many people agree we should make Election Day one of our National Holidays, where most people get the day off from work.

It hasn’t happened yet, but that doesn’t mean we can’t do it in spirit!

Let’s MAKE it a holiday!
A celebration!
Let’s find creative ways to enjoy the whole process!

Let’s touch base with each other after voting… bring the house together to watch the election (or turn off the TV and just hang out!)… play music, make music... tell new stories… make new rituals! Or how about leading a night hike up a mountain or a bike ride through your city?

Because there’s something big to celebrate no matter what.

If you voted… you’ve already won.