An elected official should work for ALL of us... not just his/her “party”

A poster about An elected official should work for ALL of us not just his or her party (in color)
A poster about An elected official should work for ALL of us not just his or her party (in black and white)

This shouldn’t be a radical idea.

The president shouldn’t expect only to do the bidding of those who elected him - he or she is everyone’s president. All other elected officials? - same deal.

So let’s work together to get rid of partisan politics. We don’t need to be split into two widely opposing forces.

Let’s stop polarizing. Let’s stop the gridlock and the pettiness.

Governing, and electing the government, shouldn’t be an all-or-nothing competition. It should be about how we can forge the most amazing, strongest team to get done what most needs to be done.

Because we are all here on this planet at the same time. We are all on the same team no matter what.

Some possible solutions:

--Ranked choice voting. Instead of picking one candidate, you get to pick your first, second, third, etc. choices. Then, if there’s no clear winner (no majority vote) there’s an “instant run-off.” Candidates with the lowest number of votes are knocked off the bottom and their votes reassigned to each voter’s second choice. This lets you pick a handful of possibilities, rather than just one, and you stand a better chance of seeing one of your choices make it into office.

--Non-partisan primaries. This is already happening in Washington and California, where all elections (except for the president) are “top two” elections. The two candidates that get the most primary votes run against each other. It’s no longer the top Democrat versus the top Republican. So an election could be a Republican running against a Republican, or a Democrat against a Democrat! The result is both candidates must campaign to, and work for, ALL voters. The voters are in control, not the parties!