7 Wild Reasons to Vote

A poster about 7 Wild Reasons to Vote (in color)
A poster about 7 Wild Reasons to Vote (in black and white)

7 Wild Reasons to Vote

(Even if you think “it ain’t for me.”)

1. It’s INTENSE.

2. You’re writing history. You’re writing YOURSELF into history.

3. How often do you get a chance to do something massively meaningful - something you will remember the rest of your life?

4. Your vote may be the most valuable thing you own. Money gets frittered. Houses burn, houses flood. Businesses fold, romance flies away. But your vote is yours for life. And it’s how you do something real and true in the world - by making something with your vote, by helping build a better future with it.

5. If you don’t vote, a choice will be made for you. Don’t let anyone make YOUR choice!

6. Commit to being one of the ones who carries it forward.

7. Whatever is bugging you about the election / voting / gov’t, we can fix it from the inside, once our candidates are voted in. Or at least patch it up. THE MORE OF US WHO VOTE, THE FASTER AND BETTER WE CAN FIX WHAT IS BROKEN.