Suppose We All Voted Together By Gail Deshawnda

When I used to think about voting I was uninterested
it just didn’t seem like something people my age did
I thought how could one little vote help to tip the scales?
but now I see how one vote 5,000 times can help us to prevail
I know now that changing the world only has to start with one
and it is the duty of that one to inspire another one
soon enough we’re all banding together to fight for the common good
Knowing that no matter who wins we did all that we could
and we watched out for each other and that’s satisfaction enough
To go out and vote even when voting seems tough

When I used to think about voting I thought I wasn’t educated enough
how could I vote on topics I never even learned to discuss
there was no one around to teach me about all that political stuff
I thought I might make the wrong decision so it was better to stay away
I never knew whose cause was good and whose cause was just okay
I know now that I don’t have to know every part of how politics is done
it’s better to try and fail than to not vote and then hate who won
now I try to look inside at my own personal beliefs
make sure they’re good and then vote for the one with the same beliefs as me

When I used to think about voting I used to look at the color of my skin
how could anyone who looked like me truly be allowed an opinion
I thought that when they saw my vote that they’d surely throw it out
as if somehow they could see me through the paper and make my vote not count
I know now as a woman of color it is my duty to do more
to walk and fight and strike and vote for all the times we were denied before
now I can clearly see that my people are vast and our influence is great
suppose we all voted together imagine the impact we'd make
A photo-illustration of author Gail Deshawnda.
My writing journey really began in middle school with the introduction of Edgar Allen Poe. I enjoyed the crypticness, and sometimes creepiness, of his works. It made me wonder how his mind worked and encouraged me to write poems and stories of my own. I’ve been writing ever since then and have no plans to stop. I love expressing myself through word and hope to inspire others.